General Practice Extraction Service (GPES) is a centrally managed, primary care, data extraction service being introduced across England, and is managed by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC).
The purpose of GPES is to extract and compare data from across the NHS, allowing data to be turned into accurate and usable management information; this in turn leads to improvements in patient care and greater efficiency across the service as a whole. The data extracted is also used to support QOF, although GPES does not calculate or make these payments, that task is carried out by the Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS).
Click on the link below to be redirected to a more in depth review of how ‘Care Data’ is being managed.
For further information please access this LINK.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) response transparency notice – NHS Digital
Purposes for which we may process your data
The health and social care system is taking action to manage and mitigate the spread and impact of the current outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Action to be taken requires the collection, analysis and sharing of information, including confidential patient information where necessary and lawful, amongst health organisations and other appropriate bodies. This is due to the urgent need to protect public health and respond to the COVID-19 outbreak. This notice describes how we may use your information to protect you and others during the COVID-19 outbreak.
To support the healthcare response to COVID-19, NHS Digital has been directed by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care (the Secretary of State) and NHS England under the COVID-19 Directions to:
- establish information systems to collect and analyse data in connection with COVID-19; and
- develop and operate IT systems to deliver services in connection with COVID-19